Sinema Bioskop: Thirteen Lives (2022)

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Thirteen Lives (2022)

Year: 2022Duration: 147 MinView: 256 views
IMDB Rate: 951 votes, average 8.0 out of 10

Based on the true nail-biting mission that captivated the world. Twelve boys and the coach of a Thai soccer team explore the Tham Luang cave when an unexpected rainstorm traps them in a chamber inside the mountain. Entombed behind a maze of flooded cave tunnels, they face impossible odds. A team of world-class divers navigate through miles of dangerous cave networks to discover that finding the boys is only the beginning.

Tagline:5000 people, 17 countries, 1 miracle that united the world.
Country:Amerika, Inggris
Language:English, ภาษาไทย
Budget:$ 55.000.000,00
Director:Charles Croughwell, Jay Corry, Rebecca Keros, Ron Howard, William M. Connor, Woodrow Travers
Cast:Achi Jinapanyo, Bernard Sam, Blake McFarlane, Chatchawai Kamonsakpitak, Christopher Story, Colin Farrell, Ensai O’Haire, Gerwin Widjaja, Girati Sugiyama, Helen Cassidy, Joe Chuensawan, Joel Edgerton, Jonathan Fang, Josh Helman, Kaokuson Sorapap, Kevin Spink, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Mayuree Ruanpom, Natvara Hongsuwan, Nawanut Kaeomueangsi, Neungruthai Bungngern-Wynne, Nitipoom Khachatphai, Nophand Boonyai, Pasakorn Hoyhon, Pattrakorn Tungsupakul, Paul Gleeson, Peter Knight, Phitakphong Boonnet, Popetorn Soonthornyanakij, Pratuang Boontang, Sahajak Boonthanakit, Shakriya Tarinyawat, Sukniran Sukcharoen, Sukollawat Kanarot, Tanatat Srita, Teeradon Supapunpinyo, Teerawat Mulvilai, Terdphong U-Kham, Thanaphat Thopiata, Thanthapthai Chanin, Thatpong Hiruntanakitjakul, Theerapat Sajakul, Thinatya Popanum, Thira Chutikul, Thitiphat Bheganan, Tom Bateman, U Gambira, Viggo Mortensen, Vithaya Pansringarm, Waraporn Khamsingha, Watcharaphong Korayutpiphat, Wirot Nilphongamphai, Zahra Newman

Trailer film Thirteen Lives (2022)