Sinema Bioskop: The Devil Conspiracy (2023)

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The Devil Conspiracy (2023)

Year: 2023Duration: 111 MinView: 336 views
IMDB Rate: 15 votes, average 6.3 out of 10

The hottest biotech company in the world has discovered they can clone history’s most influential people from the dead. Now, they are auctioning clones of Michelangelo, Galileo, Vivaldi, and others for tens of millions of dollars to the world’s ultra-rich. But when they steal the Shroud of Turin and clone the DNA of Jesus Christ, all hell breaks loose.

Tagline:The war of angels has come to earth.
Country:Amerika, Republik Ceko
Director:Nathan Frankowski
Cast:Alice Orr-Ewing, Andrea Scarduzio, Anushka Holding, Brian Caspe, Eveline Hall, Ilaria Antonello, James Faulkner, Jan Arnost, Jim High, Jiří Valeš, Joe Anderson, Joe Doyle, Kevin Michael Clarke, Matous Brichcin, Natalia Germani, Natassia Bustamante, Pavel Kříž, Peter Mensah, Petr Vaněk, Spencer Wilding, Victoria Chilap, Wendy Rosas, William Lizr

Trailer film The Devil Conspiracy (2023)