Sinema Bioskop: Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)

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Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)

Year: 2016Duration: 98 MinView: 237 views
IMDB Rate: 2961 votes, average 5.9 out of 10

Arthur Bishop thought he had put his murderous past behind him when his most formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life. Now he is forced to travel the globe to complete three impossible assassinations, and do what he does best, make them look like accidents.

Tagline:Four continents. Three kills… Or the love of his life is dead.
Country:Amerika, Perancis, Thailand
Language:български език, English
Budget:$ 40.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 125.729.635,00
Director:Dennis Gansel, Kristina Sakizli, Shelly Stoyanova
Cast:Aaron Brumfield, Alex Kuzelicki, Alexander Winters, Allan Poppleton, Andrew Stehlin, Anteo Quintavalle, Armin Parvin, Atanas Srebrev, Bonnie Zellerbach, Brahim Achabbakhe, Chatchawai Kamonsakpitak, Femi Elufowoju Jr., Francis Tonkala Tamouya, Jason Statham, Jessica Alba, John Cenatiempo, Lynette Emond, Maethi Thapthimthong, Michelle Yeoh, Natalie Burn, Rachel O’Meara, Rhatha Phongam, Robert Gerrits, Sam Hazeldine, Soji Ikai, Stuart Thorp, Tais Rodrigues Dias, Thomas Kiwi, Toby Eddington, Tommy Lee Jones, Vithaya Pansringarm, Yothin Udomsanti

Trailer film Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)