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Dawson’s Creek Season 4 Episode 3

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IMDB Rating: 44 votes, average 7.0 out of 10

Pacey is happy for his good grades, and decides to sail for celebration. Dawson, Joey and Drue are assigned for a work and Joey can’t go with him. Instead, Pacey takes Jen with him. What they didn’t know is that a huge storm was coming, and suddenly they have to face it. Andie is having an interview with Drue’s mom for college, but her medical records get in her way. Mrs. Valentine worries about Andie’s mental stability and denies her the spot. When the storm get bigger, Andie takes control of the situation and guides everybody to rescue Jen and Pacey, who admit to each other their biggest regrets in life. Jen regrets never being in love, despite her feelings for Henry, and Pacey regrets the destruction of his friendship with Dawson. Dawson and Joey go on a small boat to rescue them, and Dawson saves Pacey’s life. He apologizes to Dawson for all his attitude over the past months.