Lee Man-jae at his brink of life, even sold his name to survive. In the world of ruthless barge where no one can be trusted, he held out a threadlike-life with a calculation ability. One day, he decides to retire for his soon-to-be-born child and takes on the big final commission. The moment he thought that everything was going smoothly, he was framed for embezzlement of $100M due to his unidentified ‘investor’ and faced his own obituary. A political consultant, Mrs. Shim, appears to Man-jae when he is trapped in a hellish private prison and lives as a ‘dead man’, offering a deal with his life as collateral. Man-jae accepts the offer to regain his name, family, and life.
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CinemaKeren21.com yang sebenarnya tidak pernah menyarankan sobat pengunjung untuk mengunduh video movie Dead Man (2024). Tidak lain demi pencegahan perkara akibat (UU) No. 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta. Yang mungkin menimpa visitor sendiri apabila berhasil download film Dead Man (2024) dan menyimpan berkasnya. Cinema Keren 21 tidak bertanggungjawab atas masalah maupun hidup dari semua sobat pengunjung disini.
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