Sinema Bioskop: Blood for Dust (2024)

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Bertanya Tentang:

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Blood for Dust (2024)

Year: 2024Duration: 98 MinView: 56 views
IMDB Rate: 7 votes, average 6.7 out of 10

Reckless Ricky makes serious money dealing illegal weapons throughout the tri-state area and loves to flaunt it. Traveling salesman Cliff, covers the same territory Ricky runs guns through. Desperate to find some financial relief for his struggling family, Cliff agrees to partner with Ricky, to commit cross-state drug and gun deliveries for a mid-level American cartel boss John. When a simple exchange turns into a bloodbath after Ricky kills everyone in a territory grab, the pair find themselves in a pressure cooker situation where unlikely drug dealer Cliff must fight as hard as he can to stay alive.

Director:Jeff Weiss, Rod Blackhurst, Travis LaSalle
Cast:Algin Mendez, Amber Rose Mason, Blake de Pastino, Chris Mullinax, Ethan Suplee, Everett Blunck, Gabriel Clark, Golden Garnick, J.D. Hoppe, Jackson T. Scott, Jeff Medley, John Budge, Josh Lucas, Kit Harington, Megan Folsom, Nora Zehetner, Robert Majerus, Ross O’Connor, Russ Tiller, Scoot McNairy, Scott McCauley, Stephen Dorff, Travis W Bruyer

Trailer film Blood for Dust (2024)